Oklahoma City grocer Buy For Less is closing two stores and also has converted some other locations to a new discount format. The grocer closed its founding location at 2121 W Hefner on Saturday. The Buy For Less at 2500 N Pennsylvania also will close on Oct. “I am very sentimental about these.
One saying that has stuck with me through the years: “A dollar saved is worth two dollars earned.”
What does that mean? Think about it.. Joystick controller driver. after paying income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, etc., out of every two dollars you earn, you are left with about one dollar to spend. If you want to save money this year, you can go out and earn more, or you can use the six tips below to buy the things you want for less.
Look at what you spend over the course of a year on clothes and household items. Suppose that number is $10,000. Make it your job this year to buy whatever you are going to buy, but for half the price. If you save $5,000, that's like earning an extra $415 per month.
Two places to start that will give you fabulous tips on how to save on everything: